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Someone’s mother has four sons; three are named North, East, and West. What’s the name of the fourth son?

Someone’s mother has four sons; three are named North, East, and West. What’s the name of the fourth son?

Someone’s mother has four sons; three are named North, East, and West. What’s the name of the fourth son?

Read the question carefully: “Can you guess the name of the fourth son?”. The answer seeker is looking for a YES or NO, not the fourth son’s name. Don’t let these questions fool you; you are smarter than this.

The most accurate answer is as follows:

The first line states, “someone’s mother has…” and so on. From this, one can ascertain that the fourth child’s name is “someone.”

However, if one looks at the names of the other children (North, East, West), it seems very likely that the name of the fourth child is “South,” which is in keeping with the pattern (the cardinal directions).

And finally, the way the question is phrased, it seems that no matter what the name of the fourth son is, the answer to the question can only be ‘yes’ or ‘no.’

Since Someone’s mother has four sons, North, West, and South, the fourth son’s name is Someone. The correct answer is ‘someone ‘. The question is a common riddle based on the mathematical topic ‘sequences.’

Someone’s mother has four sons

You might remember the last “viral” riddle circulated on Facebook: Your Parents are at the Door. If you got the answer wrong, you had to post an embarrassing photo of yourself and then riddle yourself. Well, now we have a new one flying around. It’s not particularly new; the riddle has been around for a while and has a few wording variations.

Here is the most common phrasing of the riddle I found shared. Someone’s mother has four sons. North, South, and East. What is the name of the fourth son? Private message me the name of the fourth son. If you lose, you have to repost.

The obvious answer would be the name of the fourth son is West. Right? Well, you would be incredibly wrong and suffering the social media consequences. Another popular answer is that the name of the poor forgotten son is named Someone. Although a solid guess, it still needs to be corrected.

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Let’s take a peek at that punctuation in the riddle itself. Yes, for once, we can go on decent punctuation in the social media world. The line we need to focus on is

What is the name of the fourth son?

Notice that the line does not contain a question mark. That line is a statement and the answer to our little social media riddle. It states the fourth son’s name and contains the answer. I know I spoiled it for you, but I just want to make the world a better place and have what my father calls a “teaching moment.” 

Go forth and conquer your riddles, and let us all know if you have a better answer! From the last line: “Can you guess the name of the fourth son?”.

Someone’s mother has four sons; three are named North, East, and West. What’s the name of the fourth son? 2024

I don’t know whether this is a mistake, but in the middle sentence (What is the name of the last son.), a full stop is used instead of a question mark. It would mean that the son’s name is ‘What,’ unlikely as it seems.

Therefore, the answer is: Yes, I can guess the fourth son’s name and the most likely names are either Someone South or What.

Someone is the right answer. Some of you are saying that what can also be the answer? But I think the way the question is framed in the first sentence makes it obvious.


  1. In the description of the question, it is written as Someone’s mom, ” which means a person’s name.
  2. Someone is a person whose mother has a total of 4 sons.
  3. The names of three sons out of four are already disclosed in the question: South, West, and North.
  4. Generally, people will first think it should be the name of the fourth direction, i.e., East.
  5. But it is very important to look into the already available details and always read a question carefully or two to three times to understand what is being asked and what is to be answered.
  6. It is mentioned in the question itself that the name of the fourth son is Someone.

Someone’s mother has four sons; three are named North, East, and West. What’s the name of the fourth son?

Let’s replace someone with any random name, say, Donald. Now the question would be, Donald’s mother has four sons: North, East, and West. Now, the fourth son is Donald.

This first sentence rules out the possibility of having the fourth one as What despite not being followed by a question mark. Let me know what you people think now :D…

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Someone’s mother has four sons; three are named North, East, and West. What’s the name of the fourth son?


Since someone’s mother has four sons, North, West, and South, the fourth son’s name is someone.

The correct answer is ‘someone’. The question is a common riddle based on the mathematical topic called ‘sequences.’ Thus, it calls that one neglect logic as English requires.

Since someone’s mother has four sons, North, West, and South, the fourth son’s name is someone. The correct answer is ‘someone’. The question is a common riddle based on the mathematical topic called ‘sequences.’ Thus, it calls that one neglect logic as English requires.

Further Explanation

If one is to go by logic, logic will permit that one mentions East as the name of the fourth son. For one to have a better clarification of the question, background knowledge of what a sequence is must be bolstered with a typical example.

Although Sequence is an enumerated collection of objects in which repetitions of numbers are allowed, there can be puzzle-like questions in the form of riddles that are still under Sequence.

Example: A man is sentenced to death; he has three choices among three rooms. 

The first room has plenty of raging fires. The second room has five assassins with loaded pump action rifles. The third room contains lions that have not been fed for five years. Which room will be the safest for the man?

Answer:  The third room will be the safest mainly because the lions have not been fed for five years, implying they are dead.

Nope! Nice try, “What is the name of the fourth son.” ends with a full stop instead of a question mark. The fourth son’s name is What. Now you have to repost: Someone’s mom has four sons: North, West, and South.  What is the name of the fourth son?

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Instead of “Someone’s mother,” we have “Theodore’s mother has four sons: North, West, and South.” And who is that fourth son? Why, it’s Theodore, of course! So, looking back at the original question, it’s now clear that the correct answer is: Someone!

The name of the son is What.

The reason why is that the name of the fourth son is not phrased as a question. It’s phrased as a statement. “What is the name of the fourth son?” with a period instead of a question mark.

It could also be ascertained that it is Someone. However, someone is a word “used to refer to a single person when you do not know who they are or when it is not important who they are:”

Therefore, it is a noun not being used as a proper name but as a descriptive fill-in word. We don’t know who they are, so we say, someone’s mom.

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Someone’s mother has four sons

Someone’s mother has four sons; three are named North, East, and West. What’s the name of the fourth son?

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