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How to Get Water out of Ear

How to Get Water out of Ear

How to Get Water out of Ear

Having water in your ears after submerging your head in the pool or the sea can happen, which, in principle, does not entail any danger. 

However, a strange sensation may arise, like water inside the ear. How do I know if I have water in my ear? Sometimes, the presence of retained fluid inside the ear is noticeable. On other occasions, a kind of ‘plugging’ affects hearing.

In any case, it is essential to uncover the ear to avoid discomfort and the risk of infection or otitis that its prolonged presence implies. 

To do this, try to remove it without damaging the ears. If you do not get it or feel severe discomfort, visit the doctor to treat the problem. If you have mild pain, you can try some of the following tips on how to get water out of your ear.


  1. Insert the tip of the towel
  2. Nod
  3. Stretch the pinna
  4. Do an external massage
  5. Dry with the hair dryer
  6. Try the Valsalva maneuver
  7. To rest
  8. Hand cupping
  9. Yawn
  10. Chew
  11. Using isopropyl drops or sprays
  12. Put a hot compress
  13. What not to do to remove water from the ear

Insert the tip of the towel

If you are wondering how to get water out of the ear, this is one of the simplest and most effective remedies. It introduces the point of a cloth, such as a clean cloth, a handkerchief, or a towel. 

The idea is that when it comes into contact with the water in the ear, the tissue absorbs it, thus removing it. It is about inserting only the tip of the cloth without pushing or squeezing not to damage the ear canal.


Without a doubt, the first thing you have to do if water has entered your ear is to try to get it out due to the effect of gravity. Tilt your head to the right or left, depending on which ear you notice is plugged. Repeat the movement several times to get the water out by simple gravity. You can also make small jumps accompanying the turn of the head so that the movement is even more effective.

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Stretch the pinna

Unless you have extraordinary abilities, most of us can’t move our ears, which would help to remove anything that might have gotten into the ear. What we can do is ‘stretch’ them with the help of our fingers. Grab the tip of your ear and gently pull it up (vertical). Then, do the same, but pull it from the side (horizontal).

Repeat both gestures several times and then tilt your head to the side of the ear that bothers you. The movement may mobilize the water until you manage to get it out.

Do an external massage

Putting gentle pressure on the ear can also help you achieve your goal. If you notice water entering you, massage the lobular area while tilting your head to the right or left. Place your index finger behind your earlobe and your ring finger in front as if you were going to cover your ear. Move both fingers in gentle circular motions simultaneously to help get the water out.

Dry with the hairdryer

You can use the hairdryer to get the air to dry the retained water but always do it cautiously. Use the dryer at a minimum temperature, just a few minutes, and at a safe distance from the ear to avoid greater evils.

Try the Valsalva maneuver

Even if the name doesn’t ring a bell, you’ve done it at some point if you usually travel by plane, when, on takeoff or landing, the change in height and pressure makes your ears plugged. The maneuver consists of taking a deep breath and then expelling the air with the mouth closed and the nose covered.

The effect of unclogging the ear is usually immediate, and the same gesture could be practical to clear the ears after swimming or taking a bath.

To rest

Sometimes, the water refuses to come out, but it’s just a matter of time. If the discomfort is bearable, try resting for a few hours, resting your head on a pillow on the side of the clogged ear. Maintaining that position for a long time while you relax can help the water come out on its own.

Hand cupping

It’s a little trick that can also work. Press the ear with the palm of your hand. Consecutively, move your hand away and press again, repeating the process steadily. It is about creating an ’empty’ effect like the one achieved using a suction cup.


Opening your mouth and closing it consecutively can help the water come out. Yawn several times, then tilt your head to the affected side. This way, yawning can mobilize water from the ear, which will come out when you tilt your head.


Eating something or moving the jaw, imitating the gesture we make when chewing, is a way of internally mobilizing the middle ear area. This simple gesture can also give good results when removing water from the ear.

Using isopropyl drops or sprays

If you are clear that the discomfort you suffer in the ear is because you have retained water, ask your pharmacist about using specific medications that can help to expel it. The most common and effective are drops or sprays that contain isopropyl alcohol. Before using them, prior consultation with the doctor is essential.

If the plugging continues after using these sprays, you should assess if it is due to wax in the ear.

Put a hot compress

Placing a compress, previously moistened in hot water, on the ear can help promote the dilation of the internal ducts, making it easier for the retained water to escape. You can try this remedy as long as you do not feel pain in the ear.

What not to do to remove water from the ear

Whenever possible, try to prevent water from entering the ear. If you practice swimming or any other water sport that involves immersing your head, it is advisable to use specific earplugs.

Even so, if the water finally enters your ears, removing it is essential, taking the utmost care not to damage the ear. To do this, keep in mind these tips on what not to do to remove water from an ear :

  • Never introduce an object (forks, syringes) to extract the water, not even the classic cotton swabs. You could inadvertently push water further into your middle ear or injure yourself.
  • Also, do not try to use disinfectant liquids on your own, such as hydrogen peroxide, pure alcohol, or vinegar.
  • Do not take medication without the advice of a doctor or pharmacist.

Now that you know how to remove water from the ear, if, in addition to noticing the water, you detect any secretion, pain, buzzing, or dizziness. Go to the specialist without delay as it could be an infection. To see it, we recommend you look at our article on the symptoms of an ear infection.

This article is merely informative, and we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

In humans and other mammalian animals, the ear is the main part of the auditory system. In the vertebrates, it is biologically similar to fish to humans, only its structure exhibits differences by species and species.

It is the organ that detects sound; it not only acts as a receiver (receiver) for sound but also plays a major role in the perception of balance and position of the body. Often, a few drops of water go into the ear while bathing. You often get confused and in pain due to water in the ear.

Long-term exposure to the ear of water can cause infection. Many people use many things randomly to get water out of their ears. The ears are a delicate part of the body, so putting anything inside the ear to remove water can cause major damage.

Well, I am a swimmer. Sometimes, my ears also get watery. For this, I have tried many ways which I have benefited from.

How to expel water from the ears: 13 effective tricks

Getting water into the ears when swimming is quite normal for swimmers. It is not something serious (as long as it is controlled), but it can be very annoying because sometimes, when we turn the head, we notice a “ small crack ” or “ tickle ” inside the ears, and sometimes it even causes us not to hear correctly.

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Usually, the water drains on its own. But there are things in which that water gets trapped and causes an ear infection. This type of ear infection in the external ear canal is called swimmer’s ear. Several very simple tricks can help flush that water out of your ears.

How to remove water from your ears

If water gets trapped in your ear, you can try several home remedies to flush it out:

Move your earlobe.

This first method can get the water out of the ear right away. If, for example, we have water in the right ear, we must tilt the head towards the right shoulder and gently pull the earlobe.

You can also shake your head from side to side while in this position.

Make gravity do the work.

With this technique, gravity should help drain the water from your ear. Lie on your side for a few minutes, with your head on a towel to absorb the water. The water can slowly drain out of your ear.

Create a void.

This method will create a vacuum that can draw the water out. Tilt your head sideways and rest your ear on the palm of your hand, squeezing and creating a tight seal.

Gently push your hand back and forth towards her ear quickly, flattening her as you push her and hollowing her out as you push her away. Tilt your head down to allow the water to drain.

Apply a warm compress.

Water can sometimes get trapped in Eustachian tubes (which connect your middle ear to the area just behind your nostrils). This technique can help release the water.

Use hot but not boiling water and dampen a cloth. Ensure to wring the cloth out before use so it doesn’t drip.

Tilt your head down on the affected side and apply the cloth to the outside of your ear. Leave it on your ear for about 30 seconds, then remove it for a minute.

Repeat these steps four or five times.

Using a hair dryer.

The heat from the dryer can help evaporate the water inside the ear canal.

Set the hair dryer to its lowest setting.

Hold the hair dryer about 20cm away from your ear and rock it back and forth.

While putting on the earlobe, let the slightly warm air enter your ear.

Try the drops of alcohol and vinegar.

Alcohol can help evaporate the water in the ear. Alcohol also works to kill bacteria growth, which can help prevent infection.

If trapped water occurs due to earwax build-up, vinegar can help remove it.

Combine equal parts of rubbing alcohol and vinegar to make ear drops.

Apply three to four drops of this mixture into the ear using a sterile dropper.

Gently rub the outside of the ear.

Wait 30 seconds and tilt your head to the side for the solution to drain.

Don’t use this method if you have any of these conditions:

  • An external ear infection
  • A perforated eardrum
  • Tympanostomy tubes (eardrum tubes)

Use hydrogen peroxide drops.

Hydrogen peroxide can help eliminate waste, excess wax, bacteria, or water-trapped ears.

Put three to four drops of hydrogen peroxide in your ear using a clean dropper.

Wait two or three minutes.

Tilt the affected side down, allowing the fluid to drain.

Do not use this method if you think you have any of these conditions:

  • An outer ear infection
  • A perforated eardrum
  • Tympanostomy tubes (eardrum tubes)

Try olive oil.

The olive oil can also help prevent ear infection and removes water.

Heat some olive oil in a small bowl.

Put a few drops of the oil in the affected ear using a clean dropper.

Lie on the opposite side for about 10 minutes, and then sit down and tilt your ear down. The water and oil should drain.

Yawn or chew.

When water gets stuck in the Eustachian tubes, moving your mouth can sometimes help open the tubes.

Yawn or chew gum to relieve tension in the Eustachian tubes.

Tilt your head to release the water from your ear.

Perform the Valsalva maneuver.

This method can also help open closed Eustachian tubes and remove water from the ears. Be careful not to blow too hard. This can damage the eardrum.

Close your mouth and gently pinch your nostrils closed with your fingers.

Take a deep breath and slowly push the air out of your nose. If you hear a popping sound, the Eustachian tubes have opened.

Tilt your head to allow the water to drain out of the ear.

Use steam.

The hot steam can help release water from the middle ear through the Eustachian tubes. Try taking a hot shower or:

Fill a large container with hot water.

Cover your head with a towel to keep the steam in and your face over the bowl.

Breathe in the steam for 5-10 minutes, then tilt your head to the side to drain your ear.

Try more water.

This technique may seem counterintuitive, but it can help get the water out of the ear.

Lying on its side, fill the affected ear with plain seawater using a clean dropper.

Wait five seconds and then turn it over, affected ear down. All the water should drain.

Over-the-counter drops.

Several over-the-counter ear drops are also available.

Most are alcohol-based and can help reduce moisture in the external ear canal, eliminate bacteria, or remove wax and debris.

What not to do

If home remedies don’t work, don’t use your finger or any other object to dig into the ear. Doing this can make things worse by:

  • Add bacteria to the area
  • Push the water deeper into your ear
  • Injuring the ear canal
  • Pierce your eardrum

How to prevent the problem

These simple tips can help prevent water from getting stuck in your ear.

  • Wear earplugs or a hat that covers your ears when you go swimming.
  • After spending time in the water, dry the outside of your ear well with a towel.

When to go to the doctor

Trapped water in the ears usually clears up without treatment.

If it bothers you, you can try one of these home treatments to help ease its discomfort. But if the water is still trapped after two or three days or shows signs of infection, you should see a doctor.

If your ear becomes inflamed, you may have developed an ear infection.

Symptoms of an ear infection

  • Itching inside the ear or ear canal
  • Pain that intensifies when you pull on the outside of the ear or when you chew
  • Feeling that the ear is plugged or blocked
  • Reduced level of hearing
  • Fever
  • Fluid or pus draining from the ear
  • Swollen lymph nodes around the ear

An ear infection can become serious if it is not treated quickly.

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It can lead to hearing loss or other complications, such as cartilage and bone damage. Your doctor can prescribe medications to prevent or clear infection and relieve pain.

How to Get Water out of Ear in 2024

If some time has passed after being in the water and you still have the sensation of plugged ears, water may be trapped in the outer ear. Short moments of exposure to water in this part of the ear are fine. But an infection can develop if the water is left in there.

When moisture is high in the outer ear canal, it creates the perfect environment for bacterial growth, leading to an ear infection. This type of ear infection happens in the external auditory canal, often called “swimmer’s ear,” since it is a common problem after swimming.

First way

Jump on one leg by tilting the head towards the ear- If your ear has gone in, tilt your head on that side and jump by raising one leg. In this way, water comes out of the ear due to shock.

Second way

Draw the wide pinna of the ear- water gets deposited in the small groove of the ear. Therefore, water can come out by pulling the widest part of the ear.

To do this, tilt your head to one side and pull this large part of the ear outwards. This part is the larger one before the ear hole.

Third way

Tilt the head and move the jaw- The ear clears with the jaw moving. To do this, tilt your head to one side. Now open and close your jaw.

This will help you get the water out. You can also pull the widest part of the ear together for quick relief.

Fourth way

Sleep on the side: When a remedy does not work, this method can help you. Sleep on your ear with water on the side where water has gone. This can cause water to come down.

The fifth way

Earbuds or paper towels are soft and easily pass through the ear clues. Before putting earbuds in the ear, apply cotton on it or roll the paper towel to clean the ears from their corners.

Sixth way

Do not do anything – it can be uncomfortable, but sometimes it is beneficial. So you do nothing and let the body handle this problem. Sometimes, water comes out automatically.

Seventh way

See a doctor: If water does not come out of the ear even in two to three days, you should see a doctor. Sometimes, there is a risk of infection due to water in the ear.

After swimming and bathing, people often lose water in their ears, especially during the summer months. Usually, if you do not take it out or come out on its own, you may have problems with water stuck in the ear.

Then you may face swelling, irritation, or infection in the outer ear and ear canal, also known as swimmer’s year. Some home remedies make it easy to remove trapped water in the ear. If home remedies do not work and you are experiencing ear pain, then you must see a doctor as soon as possible.

Eight Way

Create and use the solution at home with rubbing alcohol and white vinegar. Apart from removing excess water from the ear, this solution also helps keep the ears away from infection.

This ear solution can be made easily with 50% rubbing alcohol and 50% white vinegar. Carefully pour a few drops of this solution into the affected ear with the help of an ear dropper. Then, carefully drain the solution. You can get a few drops of solution into your ear with the help of an adult.

The acid in this mixture breaks the earwax, which holds the water in the ear canal, as the alcohol dries quickly and soaks it with water. Alcohol helps to dry the water in your ear more quickly.

Do not use it when your ear is cracked. This method is more effective for those who quickly fall prey to the swimmer’s year.

Ninth Way – Create a vacuum:

Place the affected ear on the lower side of your palm and gently press the ear in and out with your palm until the water starts coming out.

Do not do this method by placing the ear upwards. Otherwise, you will push the water into the ear canal and backward.

This will create a stretch-like vacuum, pulling the water towards your hand. Alternatively, tilt your ear towards the bottom, insert your finger into it, and make a vacuum by rapidly pushing, pulling, and pulling your finger in and out of the ear.

In a few moments, water should come out of the ear rapidly. Keep in mind that this is not the main method, because in this method you can scratch the ear canal, which can cause ear infections.

If your palm cannot work, and you want to use the finger, ensure the finger is clean, and the nails should be short.

Additionally, in the vacuum method, it may be beneficial to gently massage the ear clockwise (or counterclockwise) during the “pushing in” phase.

This can help rinse moist wax and reduce the moisture slightly. This is especially helpful when your hearing is impaired due to water in the ear.

Tenth Method – Dry the ear with a blow dryer:

You may need clarification on whether it is right to remove ear water using a blow dryer, but it has proved beneficial for some people.

Set your blow dryer to the lowest heat or cool setting, and keep the dryer’s air in your ear, at least 1 foot (30 cm) away from your head. , Until you feel water coming out of your ears.

To protect your ears from burning, ensure the blow dryer is not overheated or too close to your ears.

Alternatively, instead of releasing hot air inside the ear, release warm air towards the opening of the ear hole.

Whenever hot, dry air passes over the water, it converts the water into vapor and pulls away with it.

Eleventh way

Use medicine to clean your ear:

It is easily found at medical stores and usually contains alcohol, which dries quickly. Put the drops in your ear per the instructions and tilt your ear towards the bottom to get out of the affected area.

As with a homemade solution, you can get the medicine delivered to your ear with the help of an adult.

Twelfth way to wipe the ear with a cloth:

While cleaning the outer part of your ear comfortably and gently with a soft towel or cloth, tilt your ear down towards the cloth so that the remaining water also comes out.

Make sure not to push the fabric inside the ear; otherwise, by doing so, you will push the water back into the ear.

Thirteenth Way, Chew:

Think that you are chewing something (e.g., gum), causing the bones of your jaw to move around the ear.

Tilt your head to the side without water, then quickly turn your head to the other side. You can also see whether water is coming out or not by trying to chew bubblegum.

Water in your ear gets stuck in your Eustachian tube, which is part of the inner ear and can chew out the water.

For more effect, while trying to chew, you can turn your head towards the bottom of the ear where the water has gone.

Fourteenth-way Yawn:

Sometimes, you can easily pop out water bubbles through the yawn. Any motion that can affect the water trapped in your ear helps to reduce your stress and drain the water.

These are positive effects if you feel a rustle or a slipping of water. Like chewing bubble gum, it also helps to release the Eustachian tube.

At Last: How to Get Water out of Ear

See a doctor if you need it: With water stuck, go to your doctor if you start having ear pain. Apart from this, there is a feeling of water getting trapped even when there is an infection in the middle part of the ear, and it also needs to be treated.

However, it can also be a sign that the pain associated with it is an irritation or infection caused by trapped water, known as the swimmer’s ear. If you have the following symptoms, then you should see a doctor immediately:

  • Yellow, yellow-green, pus-like, or dirty-smelling water coming out of the ear
  • Ear pain increases from outside the ear
  • Poor hearing
  • Itching in-ear and ear canal

Preventing Future Problems

Dry your ears after swimming. Whether swimming in the sea or the pool or taking a shower, you should be alert to keep your ears dry. Wipe water thoroughly on the outside of the ear with a clean cloth, and dry the area near the ear canal as well.

Ensure the extra water comes out of the ear by tilting the head on both sides. Some people indeed have more problems with water accumulation in the ear than others because it depends on the size of your ear.

If water gets stuck in your ear too much, then you should be especially careful.

Avoid cleaning the ear with a cotton brush:

You can remove water, earwax, or foreign objects by cleaning the ear with a cotton brush.

Using a Q-tip has the opposite effect, and it can push water or wax deep inside your ear. It can also scratch inside your ear and cause more pain. Cleaning the ears using tissue can also cause scratches.

You can put a few drops of mineral oil or baby oil in your ear to loosen ear wax deposited in the ear. To clean your ear from the outside, gently wipe it out and down with a wet cloth.

The ears are delicate, so being careful about at-home remedies is important. Never put your finger, ear swabs, or other objects in the ear canal. Placing objects into the ear can cause the problem to worsen for several reasons:

  • Introducing bacteria that could increase the risk of an ear infection
  • Push the water so it moves deeper into the ear
  • Injure the ear canal
  • Puncture the eardrum

If you often have ear problems after swimming, a few preventive steps can be followed. Try using a swim cap or earplugs when you are in the water. Additionally, thoroughly dry the outside of the ear after swimming or showering.

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Also, be aware that sweating while wearing earbuds can lead to moisture problems within the ears if the sweat is trapped. If you are sweating, it is best to remove the earbuds.

Symptoms of Trapped Water in the Ear

The symptoms will start after you spend time in the water, such as taking a shower, bathing, or swimming. These symptoms usually include:

  • Muffled sounds
  • Difficulty hearing
  • Ears feel clogged
  • Slight pressure in the ear
  • Itching in the ear canal
  • Drainage from the ear

Usually, the symptoms are mild in the beginning. Then, the symptoms can turn to moderate or severe if the infection is left untreated. A moderate progression of this ear problem can lead to symptoms such as:

  • Pain in the ears
  • Severe pain that radiates to the neck, face, or head
  • Excessive drainage from the ears
  • Partial blockage in the ear canal
  • Redness in the ear
  • Fever

Avoid using earplugs and cotton hairs in your ear when water is stuck in it:

If you have water or other material stuck in your ear, using cotton hair or earplugs at night can have the same effect as a cotton brush, pushing the substance into and out of the ear.

If you feel ear pain or water stuck, avoid applying such things to the ears for some time at night. The use of headphones should also be avoided until the pain is gone.

Important Advice

Do not scrape or scratch inside your ear. Otherwise, your ear can become infected. Turn your head towards the bottom of the ear, jump up and down, and gently pull your ear lobe. After swimming, tilt your head to one side.

Chew gum and lean on one side (on the side of the ear in which water is trapped). After a few minutes, all the water will drain. Close your nose with both fingers and try to exhale slowly.

Do it with caution and not do it out loud. Otherwise, it can hurt your ear screen. Spraying the nose changes in air pressure can also be a recipe.

Jump slowly, pulling down your ear lobe. Keep a towel nearby to soak up the water. Blow the air by stopping your breath and closing your nose, and you will feel the air coming out of the ear, which is filled with water.

Turn your head in the ear, which is full of water, or turn it to the doctor when there is no rest from anyone; it can be serious.

Gently hurt the affected ear from above and rotate your head; water will come out easily.

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Rubbing alcohols are for overhead or outdoor use only. Do not swallow it; if it happens, contact emergency facilities immediately.

Take care not to disturb your balance while jumping. If this happens, stabilize yourself by holding a chair or wall. If rubbing alcohol comes into contact with your skin, you may experience prickling.

Friends, consult your doctor if any of this advice does not work. Due to these methods, dirt in your ear or light hot water may come out from your ear.

Remember that none of them can be easily applied to stained clothes. Take care not to put any foreign object inside the ear. A cotton brush or other material may push the ear material deep into the ear canal and cause infection by injuring the skin.

If the water doesn’t drain naturally, then a few things can be done to help the ears drain. Be proactive in your at-home care to minimize the risk of infection, helping you avoid an unnecessary trip to see a doctor.

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