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What is a contemporary issue? What are some examples?

What is a contemporary issue? What are some examples?

What is a contemporary issue? What are some examples?

The definition of contemporary issues is that any Issues with implications, applicability, relevance, significance, effect, and material presence in the present time or at its given frame(period) can be sorted as Contemporary issues.

A contemporary issue can be defined as any event, idea, opinion, or topic in a given subject that is relevant to the present day.

Contemporary issues can be found in almost any matter of interest.” If one were talking world politics, the contemporary issues would be Syria, the fight against extremists such as ISSAL or the Taliban, dealing with North Korea or Iran, Russia and its many antics, etc. 

In US politics, contemporary issues include border issues, illegal entry across US borders, President Trump, the Mueller investigation, and an even more contemporary issue is the confirming of a Supreme Court nominee.

A contemporary issue can be defined as any event, idea, opinion, or topic in a given subject that is relevant to the present day. A contemporary issue can be found in almost any matter of interest. An example of a contemporary social issue in the US would be the concern about police violence against blacks and immigration issues.

Particularly related to DACA. A contemporary issue is anything pressing in our society today, usually a political or social issue that affects the present day.

What is a contemporary issue?

Social issues are anything that is a concern for society. They’ll depend on the culture, community, and country.

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Here are 25 perennial ones for citizens of the United States:

  1. Gun Control/Gun Rights
  2. Corrections/Mass Incarceration
  3. Domestic and Gender Violence
  4. Children
  5. Child Care
  6. Educational equity/Educational access/Educational choice
  7. Workers Rights (fair treatment)
  8. Human Trafficking
  9. Immigration and Refugees
  10. Healthcare/Healthcare Reform
  11. Food/Health Access
  12. Law Enforcement
  13. Racial Equality
  14. Gender Equality
  15. Marriage Equality (LBGTQ Rights)
  16. Fair pay and Equal pay
  17. Environment and Water
  18. Religious Expression
  19. Fair Elections and Voters Rights
  20. Contraceptive (Women’s) Rights
  21. Right to Life
  22. Housing
  23. Gentrification
  24. Animal Rights
  25. Immunizations

I attend a liberal arts and science school in Central Ontario, based in a city of just under 80,000 people.

The local pro-life signs originally looked like this, with maybe 15 scattered around town.

It includes a picture of a baby with the phrase, “Take my hand, not my life,” and a phone number for the local Peterborough Pregnancy and Support Services center for anyone who might want to choose another option other than abortion. That’s it.

There are no graphic illustrations of torn-up fetuses, accusatory attacking statements towards women, or even any urge to ask for donations.

Just a sign saying, Hey! There is another choice! You don’t have to abort your baby. Regardless of these facts, every single one of these signs was similarly graffitied across the entire downtown to the first sign above.

“Now why is this a social issue?” you might ask. “These are the actions of a minority, so why is society at large to blame?”.

What is a contemporary issue?

The answer lies in society’s reaction to these vandal’s methods.

No matter which side of the political spectrum you’re on, we can all agree that destroying public property is wrong.

Yet this vandalism and distortion of a message that is not even harmful, contrary to popular university student opinion, is being celebrated!

Now, I’m not one to make assumptions, but if I was going to bet about who spray painted, marked, and cut up these signs.

You better believe my money is on many students from my university (perhaps even from the gender studies department? but maybe I’m reading into it too much) and not the local permanent community.

When these signs came up in a Facebook discussion among students my age, the vast majority of the students praised these acts of vandalism.

Saying things like, “Any mention of abortion can trigger a woman into a mental breakdown,” and “This graphic message is unfit for the public.

It’s right that it was covered up from the eyes of society!” and my favorite, “No one has the right to refuse the choice of women!”.

What is a social issue?

Ironically, these people are missing the obvious fact that by purposefully covering the phone number and message of these signs, they take away the mother’s choice to choose anything except abortion. 

Which was all the sign was promoting. Society’s problem today is that if anything is offensive, if anyone disagrees with you, they are a Nazi. And we are supposed to punch such Nazis.

How about instead, we have an open, honest, and civilized conversation with our political opponents, rather than exclaiming, “They hate group X !” and completely discounting what they have to say as hate speech and political heresy?

Social problems afflict large sectors of the population and have to do with the objective and subjective conditions of life in society. Its causes can be found in economic, political, etc. In addition, social problems often have consequences in other dimensions of the life of a nation.

Social problems have existed since the beginning of humanity, although they have been worse than others at certain times and situations, as is customary. They have become a recurring concern of popular governments, international NGOs, or multilateral organizations like the UN or UNICEF.

One of the significant drawbacks of social problems is that they are challenging to solve: it is difficult to reach a consensus regarding which are more urgent or the methodology to respond to them.

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Causes of social problems

Social problems can come from different causes, depending on the nature of the problem. For example, economic and opportunity inequality usually results from the historical construction of a society of very rich and poor.

On the other hand, economic inequalities can also result from political dynamics that have catastrophic effects on the economy, which only the wealthiest population can survive.

Furthermore, poverty and lack of resources often translate into violent attitudes, social resentment, criminality, and other criminal activities.

Sometimes, desperation leads to breaking the laws of a society perceived as unfair. Therefore, finding the causes of the social problems that the world suffers is challenging.

What is a contemporary issue?

The reality that is lived in different parts of the world is different. For this reason, we must learn to open our eyes and become aware of the problems of today’s world globally, not only to know them but to know what their causes are, learn to prevent them and seek solutions. 

Therefore, it is essential to get informed and take action. Do you want to know the main problems of today’s world? We’ll tell you.

Current world problems that concern us all

Knowing what is happening around us helps us understand the fundamental importance of each problem. Some of the most outstanding issues of the current world and of which we must be aware to get down to work are the following:

The hunger in the world

Within the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, we can highlight 2.1, the eradication of hunger, and 2.2, the eradication of malnutrition in all its forms. The FAO (United Nations International Fund for Food and Agriculture) report “The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World – 2017” analyzes these goals and the progress made to achieve them.

According to this report, hunger decreased during the last ten years, only to increase again, affecting 815 million people in 2016 (11% of the world’s population). The two leading causes of hunger are violent conflict and weather disturbances. Four hundred eighty-nine million hungry people live in countries in conflict.

Hunger severely affects children: according to the report above, 155 million children under five are stunted (short height for their age), and 52 million children are underweight for their size.

Hunger seriously affected South Sudan in 2017, and there is a risk that it will spread to other countries, such as Nigeria, Somalia, or Yemen, experiencing conflicts.

If we analyze the figures by continent, we see that hunger mainly affects Asia (520 million people), Africa (243 million), Latin America, and the Caribbean (43 million).


The 2018 Global Inequality Report, prepared by the World Inequality Lab, states that inequality has increased almost the entire world at a different speed. One of the most critical data highlighted in this report is that the top 1% of the population received twice as much income as the bottom 50% while the middle class shrank.

However, inequality is not only about income; It also concerns gender. The disparity between men and women is highlighted by organizations such as the UN Women, which highlights how women occupy less than a third of mid- or high-level management positions, or Eurostat, which in its 2016 report established that the wage gap in Spain between men and women is 14.9%.


We have all heard of global warming: the rise in the average temperature of the Earth and the oceans due to the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Therefore, air pollution is directly related to the phenomenon of global warming.

Pollution affects our health and has negative consequences on the environment. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) data, air pollution can affect the lungs and cause asthma, among other pathologies. On the other hand, the WHO highlights that in 2014, 92% of the population lived in places where its guidelines on air quality were not respected.

According to Greenpeace data, to give you an idea of ​​the magnitude of the problem, a plastic bottle can take about 600 years to decompose, and a plastic bag, 55. 

Access to drinking water

Water pollution and the conflicts that exist in the world that sometimes lead to the destruction of water infrastructure are why many people do not have access to drinking water.

World Health Organization (WHO) data show that 844 million people do not have a primary drinking water supply service.

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On the other hand, 2,000 million people worldwide are supplied with water contaminated by feces. This water can be a source for transmitting diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, or typhoid fever. 

It is estimated that 842,000 people die each year from diarrhea due to contaminated water, poor sanitation, or poor hygiene, which are causes that can be prevented. In addition, it is estimated that by 2025, 50% of the world’s population will live in areas with water scarcity. 

Reducing the number of people without access to safe drinking water is one of the Millennium Development Goals.

The conflicts

As we have seen before, the conflicts that occur in the world are one of the leading causes of hunger, but, in addition, its most serious consequence is the forced displacement of thousands of people who have to leave their homes to save their lives. Lifetime.

According to UNHCR data, there are 65.6 million forcibly displaced persons and 22.5 million refugees globally, of which 17.2 million are under the UNHCR mandate. 

Every minute, 20 people are forced to flee due to conflict or persecution.

As we have just explained, many problems in the world should concern us and about which it is necessary to take measures to change the environment that surrounds us and live in a better world.

Contemporary Social Issues

Within the subject “Contemporary Social Problems,” the students shared the final essay on the course, where they talked about what the issue left them, what they liked the most, and an analysis of how they can apply it.

We share the essay by Student Gabriela Loeza from the 6th semester of her Dental Surgeon career. It leaves us with a clear, concise, and accurate message of the reality in which we find ourselves and how much we need ethics, values, solidarity, and empathy in the face of many problems.

Social problems have been evolving due to the changes produced in society over time, so it is necessary to know the various aspects that compose them to determine the factors that originate them and how they can be solved and improved.

One way to study social problems is through theoretical approaches; the sociological system consists of studying the changes that our society has undergone since new problems have been produced; the economic system consists of understanding the effect that the economy has on society since it is an essential factor for its development, both socially and individually.

The political approach plays a vital role since he is the one who leads society and must see him throughout his community through laws and planning; a good politician is not a dictator but someone who continuously seeks the improvement of society. The ecological approach is responsible for ensuring natural resources since different factions of human beings, nature, and animals are affected,

To understand the nature of the problem, it is necessary to analyze the features that define a society. For this, it is essential to know and accept multiculturalism since, despite different ethnic, religious, or linguistic cultures, we are all living beings. We deserve the same respect, respecting equity. 

Currently, various social networks help the expression of society. However, there must always be respect for others, just as citizen movements must be expressed with care, always seeking justice and equality.

The consequences of social problems affect society, such as the economic crisis, where the most affected are mainly the workers since the need for work makes them vulnerable to labor exploitation, which leads to poverty. 

Which is not only referred to the lack of natural resources but also of necessary goods and services. This problem has increased due to the lack of work or poorly paid work. Which only reaches for the most essential. In the same way, it affects the country’s economy.

 Education is a vital factor in eradicating this problem since it gives us the tools to face current issues. Unfortunately, very few have this “privilege,”

To understand contemporary political society, it is necessary to understand the political institutions and citizen participation mechanisms that articulate it and its influence on society. 

We all have different thoughts regarding a topic, but the important thing is to investigate and respect the opinions of others since reality depends on the eye of the beholder. Various groups are for or against a topic of social interest. 

For this, it is necessary to create discussion forums to seek solutions to specific problems, always seeking the well-being of all.

Sustainability and the environment are essential in society. Since human selfishness, any part of the world has been deteriorating planet Earth without considering that we affect nature and animals. So, it is necessary to be more empathic with what surrounds us. 

We must be responsible for our actions and analyze the impact they have. We must employ friendly strategies with the environment and planet Earth, which is everyone’s home.


Social problems are the result of selfish and irresponsible decisions of society. It is time to be more empathic and aware of our environment since it is the heritage of future generations and all living beings. 

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It is necessary to use new actions of significant impact on society. Everyone must watch over the most vulnerable groups, so the decision lies with oneself, asking ourselves, “What am I? And what should I do to improve? Always looking for the welfare of all.

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